Details CityscapeBusiness, Commercial, Creative, MarketingBy adminJuly 20, 20153 vertical panoramas of cities at night on the left, and text on the right.
Details Large PortraitsBusiness, Commercial, MarketingBy adminJuly 20, 201510 large portraits, exhibited vertically.
Details Vertical Pictures and TextCommercialBy adminDecember 9, 2013The pictures take up the left 2/3 and the text is on the right, moving with the scrolling pictures.
LaunchDetails Gallery Covering 2/3 of PageBusiness, Commercial, CreativeBy adminDecember 9, 20139 pictures are shown, with the left picture 4 times bigger, and moving text on the right.
LaunchZoomDetails 2/3 Page Slide ShowCommercialBy adminDecember 9, 2013The slider covers 2/3 on the left with text on the right.
Details Footer enabledCommercialBy adminDecember 8, 2013 Vestibulis accumsan ipsum non justo aliquam malesuada. Donec eu urna erat.
LaunchDetails Image list & sidebarCommercialBy adminDecember 8, 2013Leave a commentLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam felis ullam dolor glavrida corper augue.
Details MexicoCommercialBy adminDecember 7, 2013Elit vel tincidunt nulla accumsan ipsum non justo aliquam malesuada.
LaunchDetails Image with lightboxCommercial, CreativeBy adminDecember 6, 2013Gestibulis elit vel tincidunt nulla accumsan ipsum non justo aliquam malesuada donec eu urna erat.