Beautiful Sea Sunset Build Your Own LayoutBusinessBy adminDecember 9, 2013This is a very fancy layout with pictures on top, the first of which is 4 times bigger than the rest, and many text elements below.
Details Vertical Pictures and TextCommercialBy adminDecember 9, 2013The pictures take up the left 2/3 and the text is on the right, moving with the scrolling pictures.
LaunchDetails Gallery of Pictures and TextBusinessBy adminDecember 9, 201312 pictures to illuminate your work, shown above 3 columns of text that explain it.
LaunchDetails Gallery of 6 PicturesCreative VWBy adminDecember 9, 2013Two rows of 3 pictures each and the text below.
LaunchDetails Fullwidth SlideshowBusiness, CreativeBy adminDecember 9, 2013Slideshow with 3 columns of text below.
LaunchDetails Gallery Covering 2/3 of PageBusiness, Commercial, CreativeBy adminDecember 9, 20139 pictures are shown, with the left picture 4 times bigger, and moving text on the right.
Details 2/3 Vertical Display of Beautiful LadiesCreative VWBy adminDecember 9, 2013Leave a commentAs you scroll, the text on the right 1/3 follows.
LaunchZoomDetails 2/3 Page Slide ShowCommercialBy adminDecember 9, 2013The slider covers 2/3 on the left with text on the right.
Details Image list 2/3 with lightboxBusinessBy adminDecember 9, 2013Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam felis ullam dolor glavrida corper augue.