Gun Control

When the Second Amendment was passed in 1791, the flintlock musket represented the most common gun technology. The Brown Bess, used by the British Army from 1722 to 1838 is shown above.  It fired one shot, then took a long time to reload. You had one chance to shoot, then you had to consider what…


Free Or Affordable College

Free Or Affordable College   Morbi ullamcorper leo in luctus auctor. Phasellus a tincidunt nunc, vitae ultrices lorem. Donec suscipit semper augue in tincidunt. Nunc ut eros cursus, dictum orci eu, accumsan sem. Donec quis nibh odio. Nunc hendrerit aliquet risus, id consequat leo faucibus vel. Aenean et augue mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac…


Consequences For Lying in Government

Why would we make it illegal to lie in the three cases above, but allow Congress, the President, Supreme Court judges, and government officials to lie to the American people?  Don’t we want and expect our leaders to be of high integrity, real statesmen and stateswomen?  If we create repercussions for lying to the American…
